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Homeward (Acoustic) Por Benjamin William Hastings

Homeward (Acoustic)

Benjamin William Hastings - Benjamin William Hastings (And Then Some)

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
P1Ponte 1
P2Ponte 2
P3Ponte 3
P4Ponte 4
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

I'm out here in the open
Tryin' to stay the path
Somewhere in between the promise
And the place it comes to pass
Who knows what it'll cost me
Or how long it'll last
But I told You I would follow
And I'll never take it back


I'll hang on every word
You ever said
For I know Your faithful
And I'm still waiting
On a wealth of promises
But I know Your able
So if ever I stray
If ever I fall
Won't You call me homeward
Won't You call me homeward

Verso 2

I've asked You more than once
To hurry up the plans
But what if where You want me
Is exactly where I am
Cause what I learnt from waiting
Is waiting never lasts
You didn't bring me this far
Just to bring me back
No You're too good for that


I'll hang on every word
You ever said
For I know Your faithful
And I'm still waiting
On a wealth of promises
But I know Your able
So if ever I stray
If ever I fall
Won't You call me homeward
Won't You call me homeward

Ponte 1

Sometimes I feel You
And sometimes I feel like I don't
But faith's more than feeling
It's like seeing the invisible

Ponte 2

Yet somehow I see it
All that lies at the end of the road
And I don't know the timing
So I'm guessing it's not mine to know

Ponte 3

Lord help me believe it
All those days when I feel like I don't
I've learned faith isn't fearless
It's just trusting when you fear the most

Ponte 4

And someday I'll see it
Reach the house at the end of road
Should that road leave me lonely
Well I know that I am never alone


I am never alone


I'll hang on every word
You ever said
For I know Your faithful
And I'm still waiting
On a wealth of promises
But I know Your able
So if ever I stray
If ever I fall
Won't You call me homeward
Won't You call me homeward


Call me homeward


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