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The Stage

Brian Carl

79 KB


We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This patch requires a Kemper Profiler Amp. These Patches cannot be loaded into a DAW
  2. The purchase of these profiles entitles you to use them on ONE Kemper at a time. You may not share these profiles with anyone else. You cannot resell these profiles in any form. You cannot resample these profiles in any form/format.
  3. Turn knobs, change settings, combine sounds and Have fun!

Mais de Brian Carl

The Stage by Brian Carl is designed for the Kemper Stage and Kemper Remote users. Brian has essentially recreated his pedalboard within the Kemper, dialing-in the internal drives, delays and reverbs to match the iconic sounds he's used on many recordings.

"If I’m playing out or doing a session without my physical pedalboard and use the Kemper exclusively, this is 100% where I pull from. From the sound I like for drives, delays, and verbs, to my favorite amps and how I run them, this pack is a true representation of my sound and covers everything I need for excellence in any environment. "

- Brian Carl

Included are 5 different performances, each using a different amp profile, tailored to best fit the different guitars Brian loves to play (Jazzmaster, Gretsch, Telecaster, etc). Brian has also included 5 song specific performances that showcase the power of these profiles. The songs include are:

  • Build My Life
  • Follow You Anywhere
  • Glorious Day
  • Holy Ground
  • Welcome the Healer

Simply load these into your Kemper and have a performance-ready tone for your next worship experience.

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