The Stage by Brian Carl is designed for the Kemper Stage and Kemper Remote users. Brian has essentially recreated his pedalboard within the Kemper, dialing-in the internal drives, delays and reverbs to match the iconic sounds he's used on many recordings.
"If I’m playing out or doing a session without my physical pedalboard and use the Kemper exclusively, this is 100% where I pull from. From the sound I like for drives, delays, and verbs, to my favorite amps and how I run them, this pack is a true representation of my sound and covers everything I need for excellence in any environment. "
- Brian Carl
Included are 5 different performances, each using a different amp profile, tailored to best fit the different guitars Brian loves to play (Jazzmaster, Gretsch, Telecaster, etc). Brian has also included 5 song specific performances that showcase the power of these profiles. The songs include are:
- Build My Life
- Follow You Anywhere
- Glorious Day
- Holy Ground
- Welcome the Healer
Simply load these into your Kemper and have a performance-ready tone for your next worship experience.