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Kindness Por Steven Curtis Chapman


Steven Curtis Chapman - Still

V1Verso 1
PrPré Refrão
R1Refrão 1
V2Verso 2
R1Refrão 1
R2Refrão 2
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

We’ve built our stained glass castles
Reaching to the sky
At our best to show Your glory
At our worst to show our pride
We’ve raised our hands in worship
And our fist to stake our claim
We’ve done so much good
And so much harm
All in Your great name

Pré Refrão

But when I think about what has
The power to change the world
It could all be said with just one word

Refrão 1

What if we lived
With a heart of kindness
What if we loved
Like we’ve been loved
If that’s all
That we’re remembered for
Well let that be enough
So when they stand
And tell the stories
Of who we are
And what we’ve done
Of a thousand things
That we could leave behind us
If they say just one word
Well let that word be kindness

Verso 2

Let our hearts be quick to listen
And our lips be slow to speak
Let us wrap ourselves in mercy
Compassion and humility
We’re reaching past the lines
That words like us
And them have drawn
Knowing we’ll find common ground
Together at the cross

Refrão 1

What if we lived
With a heart of kindness
What if we loved
Like we’ve been loved
If that’s all
That we’re remembered for
Well let that be enough
So when they stand
And tell the stories
Of who we are
And what we’ve done
Of a thousand things
That we could leave behind us
If they say just one word
Well let that word be kindness


I can forgive because
I’ve been forgiven
And I can show mercy
Because its mercy I’ve received
It’s the kindness of my Father
That brought me back to life
And it’s His kindness
That still brings me to my knees

Refrão 2

I wanna live with a heart of kindness
I wanna love like I’ve been loved
If that’s all that I’m remembered for
Then let that be enough
And I wanna stand and tell the story
Of who You are and what You’ve done
How Your amazing love
Would bring You here to find us
To rescue
And redeem us in Your kindness
Let my life be
A reflection of Your kindness


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