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Higher Than Mine (Remix) Por SEU Worship

Higher Than Mine (Remix)

SEU Worship - Clouds Are Clearing: Mixtape 1A

V1Verso 1
PrPré Refrão
V2Verso 2
V3Verso 3
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

Higher than all
Higher than any thought could go
You called me out
Your thoughts reaching heights unknown
Better than all
Better than what I think I know
You show the way
Leading me to the life You hold

Pré Refrão

You give me a life
And fill it with purpose
You teach me how
To trust what's true
You open my mind
More than I imagined
You Your way is higher
Than my own


Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Your ways
Are higher than mine
Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Your ways
Are higher than mine

Verso 2

Feel like we only talk
On the weekends
This is how I take control
Got a lot to say when I see ya
Six outta seven I ignore
Yeah whatchu livin' for
Feeling like I'm always
Work some working more
Now I’m mad at God
For the things I ask Him for
Feel like I'm Peter reaching out
In the storm
Yeah it's crazy

Verso 3

Every time you call me
But I never saw it
Every time you tell me
Just go back where you called me
How we even started
Now we just too far away
To worry about my problems
I ain’t let God in
Yeah it's a game changer
When I speak to the Son of man
Who got me in His hands
I don't need to
Pretend like I got it all together
'Cause He do
He will never leave you
Everyday we need You


Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Your ways
Are higher than mine
Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Higher than mine
Your ways
Are higher than mine


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