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Verso 1
You stretch out the skiesYou make waters flowYou ride on the wings of the windCause the grass to growEvery stream to flowSo all creation may know
Pré Refrão
The mountains and the valleysThe fire and the windThe sun and the moonThe day and the nightThe forest to the desertThe sand to the skyProclaim the gloria
Glory to the oneWho made it allThe sea great and wideThe land to provideGlory to the one who made it allEternally wiseYou made us to shine
With Your glory heyWith Your glory
Verso 2
You make lions roarFlying birds to soarAnd we get to care for the landYou make all the tiny crawling crittersAnd their predatorsAnd they balance all Your plans
The glory of our GodThe glory of our GodThe glory of our GodThe glory glory
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