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Lean On Por Dante Bowe

Lean On

Dante Bowe - Dante Bowe

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
V3Verso 3
V4Verso 4
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

I can be in my feelings
I can get in my head
I can reflect the pressure
I be quick to forget
And all the drama we can monetize it
Why do we spend
So much time on it
Oh Just might cost us
Everything just might cost us everything


I need someone to lean on
Everybody needs somebody to lean on
And I hear the voices saying dream on
But I know what's possible with love

Verso 2

I can be so entitled
I can get in my way
I can also be patient
And be anxious the same
Where's all the passion can we relocate it
Why do we look in all the commonplaces
Oh Just might cost us
Everything just might cost us everything


I need someone to lean on
Everybody needs somebody to lean on
And I hear the voices saying dream on
But I know what's possible with love


I need someone to lean on
Everybody needs somebody to lean on
I hear the voices saying dream on
But I know what's possible with love

Verso 3

Don't be acting on the stage
And forget your lines
The grass ain't always greener said
The grass ain't always greener
No the grass ain't always greener
On the other side
The grass ain't always greener
On the other side
I've been in my head a lot
Contemplating baby oh
I've been in my head a lot
I've been thinking lately oh
I should get better at communicating
But my phone dropped the call
I got bad connection

Verso 4

I be in the aeroplane
I'm too fly
Oh I dropped seven stacks for the coat
That's a shame but it's what she wrote
Oh I got a lot of enemies
Got night vision
I got a lot of enemies
Got night vision hey
Oh You're the better part of me
You fit different
I just need someone to lean on


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