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Verso 1
What would it look likeTo spend a minuteWith the elders and the angelsGathered around the throneTo see the lightningHear the thunder of Your presence
Pré Refrão
How would I worshipWhen every time I lookI’m overwhelmed by wonderNo other responseThan join the everlasting song
Worthy is the LordOur God AlmightyWorthy to receiveAll honor and glory
Creation crying holy holy holyAll the angels bowing downAll the elders cast their crownsAt the feet of Jesus
Verso 2
What will it be likeTo spend foreverWith the elders and the angelsGathered around the throneTo see the lightningHear the thunder of Your presence
How will I worshipWhen every time I lookI’m overwhelmed by wonderNo other responseThan join the everlasting song
For from You and to YouAnd for You are all thingsFrom You and to YouAnd for You are all thingsGlory and honor and powerBelong to You belong to You
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