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Up Up Up Por Anthony Brown and group therAPy

Up Up Up

Anthony Brown and group therAPy - Affirmations

R1Refrão 1
R2Refrão 2
R2Refrão 2
P1Ponte 1
P1Ponte 1
P2Ponte 2
P3Ponte 3
R2Refrão 2
P1Ponte 1
P1Ponte 1
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Refrão 1

This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine let it shine
Let it shine


The reason why I walk
Big steppa like I do is cause
I feel like
God has shined a light on me
The reason why I talk
Real big like I do is cause
I feel like
God has shined a light on me
And I'm not saying
That everything is perfect but
I feel like
God has shined a light on me
So even when it gets tough
I'mma keep my head up
Because I feel like
God has shined a light on me

Refrão 2

I know you see it
I know you see it
God thought that I was worth it
Even though I don't deserve it
And I see ya
Oh yeah I see it
And I'm telling you they watching you
But ain't nobody stopping you
I know you see it
I know you see it
God thought that I was worth it
Even though I don't deserve it
And I see ya
Oh yeah I see ya
And I'm telling you they watching you
But ain't nobody stopping you


The reason why I walk
Big steppa like I do is cause
I feel like
God has shined a light on me
The reason why I talk
Real big like I do is cause
I feel like
God has shined a light on me
And I'm not saying
That everything is perfect but
I feel like
God has shined a light on me
So even when it gets tough
I'mma keep my head up
Because I feel like
God has shined a light on me

Refrão 2

I know you see it
I know you see it
God thought that I was worth it
Even though I don't deserve it
And I see ya
Oh yeah I see it
And I'm telling you they watching you
But ain't nobody stopping you
I know you see it
I know you see it
God thought that I was worth it
Even though I don't deserve it
And I see ya
Oh yeah I see ya
And I'm telling you they watching you
But ain't nobody stopping you

Ponte 1

Oh light it up light it up
Go ahead light it up light it up
Oh light it up light it up
Cause everything about you's going
Up up up

Ponte 2

I am not bragging when I say I'm blessed
I ain't just talking about cars and cash
I got that too but that doesn't last
I'd rather have You and that's that on that
I'll be the student and You be the teacher
This is a game of follow the leader
Every day I know that I need You
And I'm only kept because You are a keeper

Ponte 3

Jesus Jesus
Please keep shining on us
Doesn't matter who's against us
As long as You are for us
We will never be defeated
They might as well join us
And You will get the credit
Every time we sing the chorus

Refrão 2

I know you see it
I know you see it
God thought that I was worth it
Even though I don't deserve it
And I see ya
Oh yeah I see it
And I'm telling you they watching you
But ain't nobody stopping you
I know you see it
I know you see it
God thought that I was worth it
Even though I don't deserve it
And I see ya
Oh yeah I see ya
And I'm telling you they watching you
But ain't nobody stopping you

Ponte 1

Oh light it up light it up
Go ahead light it up light it up
Oh light it up light it up
Cause everything about you's going
Up up up


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