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The Word Por Anna Golden

The Word

Anna Golden - CHURCH

V1Verso 1
R1Refrão 1
V2Verso 2
R1Refrão 1
R1Refrão 1
R2Refrão 2
GpGrande Pausa
V3Verso 3
R1Refrão 1
Gravação Original

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Verso 1

In the beginning the word was with God
And the word was God Himself
There in the shadows a whisper of light
And the veil of darkness fell

Refrão 1

The word was
The word is
The word will be forever and ever
The word was
The word is
The word will be forever and ever

Verso 2

There in the middle the word became flesh
From glory down to dust
Traded the heavens to come wash our feet
Living water here with us
All for a world He loved

Refrão 1

The word was
The word is
The word will be forever and ever
The word was
The word is
The word will be forever and ever


For when You say it
It is finished
Your word is final
And I believe it


When You say it
It is finished
Your word is final
And I believe it

Refrão 1

The word was
The word is
The word will be forever and ever
The word was
The word is
The word will be forever and ever

Refrão 2

The word heals
The word builds
The word stands forever and ever
The word is moving
The word is living
The word is returning
To Earth from the heavens

Verso 3

And in the ending the word will remain
Though the Earth will pass away
Kingdoms will crumble and riches will fade
But the word of God will reign
And the church of Christ will say

Refrão 1

The word was
The word is
The word will be forever and ever
The word was
The word is
The word will be forever and ever


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