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Nothing But Goodness Por Anchored Music

Nothing But Goodness

Anchored Music - Nothing But Goodness

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
R1Refrão 1
V3Verso 3
V4Verso 4
R1Refrão 1
R2Refrão 2
R3Refrão 3
R4Refrão 4
P1Ponte 1
P2Ponte 2
P3Ponte 3
P2Ponte 2
P1Ponte 1
P2Ponte 2
R1Refrão 1
R2Refrão 2
R3Refrão 3
R4Refrão 4
P1Ponte 1
P2Ponte 2
P1Ponte 1
P2Ponte 2
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

I feel it chasing after me
I tried my best to run
But my feet they failed me
It’s just like a wave it pulled me in
Drowning every lie
To never be seen again

Verso 2

And I find it in
Each breath I take
It’s not that hard to see it
Even on dark days
My covering my confidence
If I ran a million miles
I still wouldn’t reach the end

Refrão 1

Cause when I see you
I lean into
Nothing but goodness

Verso 3

It’s waiting for me down each road
And if I lose my way
Oh it leads me back home
It greeds me with
Kiss ring and a hold
And the deeper I trust
The deeper my spirit knows

Verso 4

It's not dependent on my works
How could a gift this good
Be given undeserved
And though that's so hard
For me to learn
May I only offer
Extravagance in return

Refrão 1

Cause when I see you
I lean into
Nothing but goodness
Nothing but goodness

Refrão 2

You don′t owe me
But You still show me
Nothing but goodness
Nothing but goodness

Refrão 3

In the moving
And in the waiting
Nothing but Goodness
Nothing But Goodness

Refrão 4

I accept your invitation to
Nothing but Goodness
Nothing but Goodness

Ponte 1

Though seasons change
Your word remains
A promise is a promise

Ponte 2

So should I rise or should I fall
You show nothing but goodness

Ponte 3

It's not a phase that fades away
A promise is a promise

Ponte 2

So should I rise or should I fall
You show nothing but goodness

Ponte 1

Though seasons change
Your word remains
A promise is a promise

Ponte 2

So should I rise or should I fall
You show nothing but goodness

Refrão 1

Cause when I see you
I lean into
Nothing but goodness
Nothing but goodness

Refrão 2

You don′t owe me
But You still show me
Nothing but goodness
Nothing but goodness

Refrão 3

In the moving
And in the waiting
Nothing but Goodness
Nothing but Goodness

Refrão 4

I accept your invitation to
Nothing but Goodness


There's a seat at the table
With my name on it
There's a seat at the table
With my name on it


There's a seat at the table
With my name on it
There's a seat at the table
I know my name on it


There's a seat at the table
With your name on it
There's a seat at the table
With your name on it

Ponte 1

Though seasons change
Your word remains
A promise is a promise

Ponte 2

So should I rise or should I fall
You show nothing but goodness

Ponte 1

Though seasons change
Your word remains
A promise is a promise

Ponte 2

So should I rise or should I fall
You show nothing but goodness


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