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For singer-songwriter Luke Bower, writing and creating music came from the secret place.

His first project is well-awaited after years of dreaming and refining songs that were only ever meant for God. This mindset developed distinctly honest lyrics and a raw untampered voice behind Bower’s songs.

For Bower, full-time music was always the dream, but it felt like a longshot. “No one really knew I was into music, even though I wrote my first song when I was five years old,” Bower says. “Growing up, I’d practice and write songs in secret, just me and God.” After high school, Bower took steps to pursue a successful career in finance by enrolling at Baylor University. All the while, his dream of being a musician stayed in the front of his mind. “In the fall of 2021, I knew I was letting my dream get away. I said, ‘God, if you let me do music, I’ll do it for You.’

Bower left Baylor and moved back home to work on his songwriting. But being home without his friends, without his brothers (he’s a triplet), left him feeling alone and isolated. “I was by myself every day working on songs. Loneliness led me to start second-guessing myself, start believing I’d thrown my life in the trash. One night, I was in my room, lower than I’d ever been. I was hopeless and fed up with not achieving what I wanted to do and what I felt like I should do. But God really revealed himself to me that night. I prayed and said, ‘I can’t save myself. Only You can. Please save me.’ At that exact moment, there was a knock on my door. It was my dad, at 2am, asking me to go on a walk. In that moment, I saw how God is there and actually cares about me. He saved me.”

Since that dark moment, Bower’s been on a journey of fully trusting in God. He’s chosen to ignore the nagging inner-critic and do what he’s been called to do. “Considering my musical background, I shouldn’t be at a record label right now. It doesn’t make sense. I know God wants me here.”

Bower found his start in the music industry through YouTube and since then has built a healthy following on TikTok where he posts original songs and mini-messages about God’s unfailing love. His rootsy, folk-leaning storyteller style is connecting, and his audience growing larger every day.

At twenty-one, Luke Bower still has far to go, but isn’t intimidated by the days ahead. Instead, he’s living in the moment, happily sharing the things God’s given him. “I want my music to be different and raw, music that can touch the heart. I just want to make stuff that can resonate with souls.”

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