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“We desire to see the Father glorified through the Creative Arts, and to see people connect with their Savior in a fresh way through music, media and performing arts. Stewarding the creative gifts God has given us and using them to cause heaven to invade earth with an outbreak of the manifest glory of God…to see a generation of creatives raised up, trained, mentored, equipped, and empowered to become all that God intended them to be.”

Calvary Worship Live uses worship as a catalyst for change that helps transform our temporary view of who we are and how we see God to an intimate exchange between every believer and the Creator of heaven and earth. United with one voice, Calvary Worship Live maintains the same mission both off the platform and before any gathered body of believers; they are committed to leading the Body into a place of intimate worship and an understanding of the power of worship. That remains a mission that is more important than the music itself, and one that has become an essential part of the culture of our church.

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