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Percussion Loops and Hits

Ableton, Garageband, Logic Pro, MainStage, MainStage, WAV
Shakers Percussion Loop Wood Metal Tamborine
262.7 MB


We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. These sounds require no DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) to use. They can be loaded onto any device/software that will play WAV files.
  2. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. You cannot resale this patch in any form. You cannot resample this patch in any form/format.
Logic Pro


We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This product requires an authorised version of Logic Pro X. Make sure you have the latest version downloaded to ensure compatibility.
  2. If the product requires any additional plugins, you'll find them listed on the product page.
  3. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on one computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. You cannot resale this patch in any form. You cannot resample this patch in any form/format.

Sound Libraries

We just want to go over a few things briefly.

This bundle is compatible with Apple's free software Garageband and requires the latest version downloaded from the App Store. If you don't have the latest version, it won't run.

  1. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. Resampling or resale of the product is strictly forbidden.


We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This product requires an authorized copy of MainStage. If any additional plugins are required, you'll find them listed in the product page description.
  2. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. Resampling or resale of the product is strictly forbidden.

Ableton Live

We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This patch requires an authorized and working copy of Ableton Live. Please note the minimum software version needed to run this patch in the “Minimum Software Version” section. If any additional plugins are needed they’re listed in the “Required Plugins” section.
  2. Keep in mind-other plugins or effects may have been used on the original recording. The Patch producer has done their best to replicate any external devices used on the recording. Also effect levels can change a song drastically. Try adjusting the amount/levels of effects or other settings in Kontakt and you may find the sound you’re looking for.
  3. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. You cannot resale this patch in any form. You cannot resample this patch in any form/format.
  4. Turn knobs, change settings, combine sounds and Have fun!


We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This product requires an authorized copy of MainStage. If any additional plugins are required, you'll find them listed in the product page description.
  2. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. Resampling or resale of the product is strictly forbidden.

Mais de

Todo mundo precisa de um pacote de samples de loops de percussão essenciais..

Percussion Loops e Hits oferece os 5 sons de percussão mais importantes, todos criados como loops e hits únicos perfeitos para elevar sua performance ao vivo e produções ou para demos de composição de músicas.

Os arquivos são fáceis de navegar e usar. Cada loop foi gravado em 4 andamentos diferentes, em uma variedade de estilos de execução diferentes, para que você possa escolher entre notas de 8º ou 16º e arrastá-los para o seu projeto prontos para serem adicionados no andamento.

Melhor ainda, o predefinição do Logic Pro e do GarageBand inclui todos os loops e one-shots como um patch de instrumento tocável que pode ser carregado em qualquer projeto existente. Basta tocar os loops na primeira oitava do seu teclado e eles seguirão automaticamente o andamento do projeto.

Se você gosta de construir seus próprios loops e padrões, basta cortar os loops tocados ao vivo ou usar os one-shots para construir os seus do zero.


O Que Está Incluído

- 288 arquivos WAV

  • 160 Loops em 4 faixas de tempo
    • 5 Instrumentos - Ganza, Egg Shaker, Metal Shaker, Wood Shaker, Tamborine
    • 4 faixas de tempo - 70-90bpm, 90-110bpm, 110-130bpm, 130-150bpm
    • 4 estilos - notas de 8º, notas de 8º com acentos, notas de 16º, notas de 16º com acentos
    • 2 posições de microfone - Aston Origin, Sontronics STC-1
  • 128 1-Shots
    • 5 Instrumentos - Ganza, Egg Shaker, Metal Shaker, Wood Shaker, Tamborine
    • Variedade de hits - Batidas, Palmadas e Agitações
    • 2 posições de microfone - Aston Origin, Sontronics STC-1

- Projetos e Presets de Carregamento Rápido

  • Logic Pro
  • GarageBand
  • Ableton Live

Shaker Metal

Shaker Wood


Shaker Egg


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