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Not Just Stories Por Maryanne J. George

Not Just Stories

Maryanne J. George - Not Just Stories

V1Verse 1
V2Verse 2
PcPre Chorus
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
V3Verse 3
V4Verse 4
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
PcPre Chorus
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
Gravação Original

Informações da Música

Female Lead
Maryanne J George, Aaron Moses, Mitch Wong, Dante Bowe, Jesse Cline


Verse 1

I heard about the water
You turned into wine
How You interrupted funerals
To bring the dead to life
And the time You helped a blind man
See a better day

Verse 2

I've heard how You fed thousands
With only fish and bread
How You weren't ashamed to talk
To the woman at the well
And all the demons You sent running
And the sins that You forgave

Pre Chorus

Your word is crystal clear
No doubt about it
And even when my doubting
Tries to cloud it

Chorus 1

You are just as good
You are just as kind
You are just as glorious
And just as divine
As You've always been
You're not changing

Chorus 2

And if the skies turn grey
And the lights grow dim
It doesn’t mean Your faithfulness
Is wearing thin
It's not wavering
You're not changing any time soon

Verse 3

I heard about the garden
And the tears of blood You cried
How You healed the high priest's servant
On Your way to die
And how You even pled for mercy
For those who made Your cross

Verse 4

I've heard that it is finished
And I've heard that it is done
And I've heard that after three days
Breath rushed back into Your lungs
And I know they’re not just stories
This is the truth I'm standing on

Chorus 1

You are just as good
You are just as kind
You are just as glorious
And just as divine
As You've always been
You're not changing

Chorus 2

And if the skies turn grey
And the lights grow dim
It doesn’t mean Your faithfulness
Is wearing thin
It's not wavering
You're not changing any time soon


For all You've done
And all You'll do
Lord we thank You
We just thank You
And all the praise to Your name
Lord we love You
We just love You

Chorus 1

You are just as good
You are just as kind
You are just as glorious
And just as divine
As You've always been
You're not changing

Chorus 2

And if the skies turn grey
And the lights grow dim
It doesn’t mean Your faithfulness
Is wearing thin
It's not wavering
You're not changing any time soon


Ohh ohh
Ohh ohh
Ohh ohh

Pre Chorus

Your word is crystal clear
No doubt about it
And even when my doubting
Tries to cloud it

Chorus 1

You are just as good
You are just as kind
You are just as glorious
And just as divine
As You've always been
You're not changing

Chorus 2

And if the skies turn grey
And the lights grow dim
It doesn’t mean Your faithfulness
Is wearing thin
It's not wavering
You're not changing any time soon


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O que está incluído:
  • M4A
  • Gravação Original
  • Esta track não inclui Backing Vocals
  • Três tonalidades incluídas.

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