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Verso 1
Joy to the WorldThe Lord has comeLet earth receive her KingLet every heart prepare Him roomAnd heaven and nature singAnd heaven and nature singAnd heaven heaven heavenHeaven and nature sing
Verso 2
Joy to the WorldThe Savior reignsLet men their songs employWhile fields and floodsRocks hills and plainsRepeat the sounding joyRepeat the sounding joyRepeat repeatThe sounding joy
Go tell it on the mountainOver the hills and everywhereGo tell it on the mountainJesus Christ is born
Go tell itGo tell it go tell it
Verso 3
He rules the world with truth and graceAnd makes the nations proveThe glories of His righteousnessAnd wonders of His loveAnd wonders of His loveAnd wondersOf His righteous love
And the wondersOf His righteous love
And wonders wondersWonders of His love
Go tell it go tell itGo tell it go tell itGo tell it go tell itGo tell it go tell it
Wonders of His love
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