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I Believe Por Charity Gayle

I Believe

Charity Gayle - Rejoice

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
P1Ponte 1
P2Ponte 2
P3Ponte 3
P4Ponte 4
P5Ponte 5
P6Ponte 6
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

From the beginning
You’ve been unchanging
Age to age You stay
Constant You remain
Every mystery
The questions I’ve carried
Are safe within Your will
So I trust You even still


I believe
You are Who You say You are
You do what You say You’ll do
You’ll come through
You are always able
I believe
You’ve already made a way
I’m running through parted waves
Straight to You
You are always faithful

Verso 2

Jesus You’re for me
Holding me steady
Every word You Speak
Is a promise that You keep
This firm foundation
Cannot be shaken
My God You never fail
Never once You never will


I believe
You are Who You say You are
You do what You say You’ll do
You’ll come through
You are always able
I believe
You’ve already made a way
I’m running through parted waves
Straight to You
You are always faithful


I believe
I believe

Ponte 1

That on that cross
Your blood was spilled
And by Your stripes
I have been healed
And every promise You’ve fulfilled
I believe I believe

Ponte 2

That You rose again in victory
And that same power lives in me
I’m born again I’ve been made free
I believe I believe

Ponte 3

That the gates of hell will not prevail
Your Church is still alive and well
This gospel truth I live to tell
I believe I believe

Ponte 4

That one day soon You’ll split the sky
You’re coming for a spotless bride
Until my faith has been made sight
I believe I believe


I believe
You are Who You say You are
You do what You say You’ll do
You’ll come through
You are always able
I believe
You’ve already made a way
I’m running through parted waves
Straight to You
You are always faithful


I believe
I believe

Ponte 5

And on that day when I’ve run my race
I’ll finally see You face to face
And nothing then will separate
I believe

Ponte 6

I’ll join with every tribe and tongue
And bow before the Lamb of God
Singing Holy Holy Holy One
I believe I believe


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