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Too Good To Not Believe Por Brandon Lake

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Too Good To Not Believe

Brandon Lake - Too Good To Not Believe

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
P1Ponte 1
P2Ponte 2
P1Ponte 1
P2Ponte 2
P3Ponte 3
P1Ponte 1
P2Ponte 2
P3Ponte 3
Gravação Original

Informações da Música

Bondade Confiança Crença Milagres Poder
Solo Masculino
Brandon Lake, Cody Carnes, Chris Davenport, Josh Silverberg
Bethel Music


Verso 1

I've lived stories that
Have proved Your faithfulness
And I've seen miracles
My mind can’t comprehend
And there is beauty in
What I can't understand
Jesus it's You
Jesus it's You


I believe You're the wonder-working God
You're the wonder-working God
All the miracles I've seen
Too good to not believe
You're the wonder-working God
And You heal because You love
Oh the miracles we’ll see
You’re too good to not believe


Too good to not believe
Too good to not believe

Verso 2

I can't resurrect a man
With my own hands
But just the mention of Your name
Can raise the dead
So all the glory to
The only One who can
Jesus it’s You
Jesus it's You


I believe You're the wonder-working God
You're the wonder-working God
All the miracles I've seen
Too good to not believe
You're the wonder-working God
And You heal because You love
Oh the miracles we’ll see
You’re too good to not believe


You're the wonder-working God
You're the wonder-working God
All the miracles I've seen
Too good to not believe
You're the wonder-working God
And You heal because You love
Oh the miracles we’ll see
You’re too good to not believe


Too good to not believe
Too good to not believe
After everything I've seen
Too good to not believe

Ponte 1

And I've seen cancer disappear
I've seen metal plates dissolve
Don't you tell me He can't do it
Don't you tell me He can't do it
'Cause I've seen real life resurrection
I've seen mental health restored
Don't you tell me He can't do it
Don't you tell me He can't do it

Ponte 2

'Cause I've seen families reunited
I've seen prodigals return
Don't you tell me He can't do it
Don't you tell me He can't do it
'Cause I've seen troubled souls delivered
I've seen addicts finally free
Don't you tell me He can't do it
Don't you tell me He can't do it

Ponte 1

And I've seen cancer disappear
I've seen metal plates dissolve
Don't you tell me He can't do it
Don't you tell me He can't do it
'Cause I've seen real life resurrection
I've seen mental health restored
Don't you tell me He can't do it
Don't you tell me He can't do it

Ponte 2

'Cause I've seen families reunited
I've seen prodigals return
Don't you tell me He can't do it
Don't you tell me He can't do it
'Cause I've seen troubled souls delivered
I've seen addicts finally free
Don't you tell me He can't do it
Don't you tell me He can't do it

Ponte 3

We'll see cities in revival
And salvation flood the streets
Don't you tell me He can't do it
Don't you tell me He can't do it
We'll see glory fill the nations
Like the world has never seen
Don't you tell me He can't do it
'Cause I know that He can


I believe You're the wonder-working God
You're the wonder-working God
All the miracles I've seen
Too good to not believe
You're the wonder-working God
And You heal because You love
Oh the miracles we’ll see
You’re too good to not believe


You're the wonder-working God
You're the wonder-working God
All the miracles I've seen
Too good to not believe
You're the wonder-working God
And You heal because You love
Oh the miracles we’ll see
You’re too good to not believe


Too good to not believe
Too good to not believe
After everything I've seen
You're too good to not believe

Ponte 1

I've seen cancer disappear
I've seen metal plates dissolve
Yes I know that He can do it
Yes I know that He can do it
I've seen real life resurrection
I've seen mental health restored
Yes I know that He can do it
Yes I know that He can do it

Ponte 2

I've seen families reunited
I've seen prodigals return
Yes I know that He can do it
Yes I know that He can do it
I've seen troubled souls delivered
I've seen addicts finally free
Yes I know that He can do it
Yes I know that He can do it

Ponte 3

We'll see cities in revival
And salvation flood the streets
Yes I know that He can do it
Yes I know that He can do it
We'll see glory fill the nations
Like the world has never seen
Yes I know that He can do it
Yes I know that He can


I believe You're the wonder-working God
You're the wonder-working God
All the miracles I've seen
Too good to not believe
You're the wonder-working God
And You heal because You love
Oh the miracles we’ll see
You’re too good to not believe

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O que está incluído:
  • Download M4A
  • Criado a partir da Gravação Original do Artista
  • Com e sem backing vocals
  • Três tonalidades incluídas
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