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Because It's Christmas Por Sidewalk Prophets

Because It's Christmas

Sidewalk Prophets - Merry Christmas To You (Great Big Family Edition)

V1Verso 1
PrPré refrão 1
R1Refrão 1
V2Verso 2
PrPré refrão 2
R1Refrão 1
R2Refrão 2
R3Refrão 3
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

The snow is falling again
It looks a wonderland
But I'm stuck in traffic
Behind all these red lights
So I call you up and sigh
'Cause I forgot the pumpkin pie
You say It's all right
We'll still have a wonderful night

Pré refrão 1

Just take your time
And slow it down
And let your heart
Hear the joyful sounds

Refrão 1

Because it's Christmas
Love is filling the air
Because it's Christmas
The thrill of hope is everywhere
So let the music play
And let your worry melt away
Because it's Christmas

Verso 2

Back home the fire's bright
And the tree is full of lights
But the family's coming
And there's so much work to be done
So you call me up and say
Could you hurry on your way
I say Hold on
Tonight will be so much fun

Pré refrão 2

Just take a breath and say a prayer
And before you know it I'll be there

Refrão 1

Because it's Christmas
Love is filling the air
Because it's Christmas
The thrill of hope is everywhere
So let the music play
And let your worry melt away
Because it's Christmas


And this world's so loud and busy
Sometimes we forget just why
We celebrate this time each year
And if you listen close the angels cry
The whole world sings the reason why

Refrão 2

Because it's Christmas
Our Savior's born tonight
It's Christmas

Refrão 3

Love is filling the air
Because it's Christmas
The thrill of hope is everywhere
So let the music play
'Cause Jesus Christ was born today


And it's Christmas


Yes it's Christmas


It's Christmas


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