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He's Never Failed Me Yet Por Melvin Crispell III

He's Never Failed Me Yet

Melvin Crispell III - He's Never Failed Me Yet

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
V3Verso 3
V4Verso 4
V5Verso 5
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

When I was a child
I did childish things
My life was church
And all it brings
I'd always hear
The old folks sing
He's never failed me yet
I heard this phrase
And I trusted so
That one day
I would come to know
The truth in which
These words do hold
He's never failed me yet

Verso 2

With years of life
Came test and trial
And nights when tears
Replaced the smile
Though God was right there
All the while
My soul was not at rest
But I lived to tell
That I made it through
So instead of
Singing 'bout the blues
I bring you news
To encourage you
He's never failed me yet


When clouds
And the valleys come
Set your eyes
On the Risen Son
Pray the eyes of your heart
Be filled with love
And watch the blessed day
Break the night

Verso 3

Like the three Hebrew boys
That day
Oh forced to take
Their fate to flames
I too have had
The choice to break
And serve the world instead
But I stood on the Word
And did not bow
Endured the steps
The Lord allowed
I came out stronger
Shouting Wow
God's never failed me yet

Verso 4

God is not like men
Who lie
Nor like the son of men
Who die
His truth will always
Be alive
It never will be dead
So try Him for yourself
And see
Those who believe
They shall receive
I pray that day
You too can see
He's never failed me yet

Verso 5

I'm grateful for
Those simple words
That I so often overheard
Though many memories
Drift like birds
Some still I can't forget
They come back ringing
Right on time
Like bells so heavenly
They chime
That old-time phrase
Now mine oh mine
He's never failed me yet


He's never failed me yet


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