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Up From the Ashes Por Urban Rescue

Up From the Ashes

Urban Rescue - Wild Heart

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
GpGrande Pausa
GpGrande Pausa
GpGrande Pausa
GpGrande Pausa
GpGrande Pausa
GpGrande Pausa
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

My heart was a burial ground
Broken under the surface
With no light to be found
But You
Pulled me out of the grave
Like a desolate treasure
And You called me by name


Up from the ashes
God You are making
Something beautiful
For You have won my heart
No longer ruined
I have been ransomed
By Your jealous love
For You have won my heart

Verso 2

My heart was a vessel of war
Sinking under the surface
In the wake of the storm
But You
Saw the depths of my shame
And with reckless abandon
Triumphed over the grave


Up from the ashes
God You are making
Something beautiful
For You have won my heart
No longer ruined
I have been ransomed
By Your jealous love
For You have won my heart


For You have won my heart

Grande Pausa

Dear God
It's hard for me to rest
When everything inside beats so fast
Hard for me to accept love
When all I've ever known
Are heart attacks
And heart failures
Cardiac arrest you see
I'm not used to being healthy
Just making sure
Everyone thinks I am

Grande Pausa

But who am I
I always ask myself the question
Why this fearful heart
Can't accept your reckless invitations
And maybe I've seen
Too many brave hearts
Get executed
And I'm afraid to be next
Got all this pain locked inside
But I don't know how
To open up my chest

Grande Pausa

So just leave me to myself
'Cause it hurts to get cut
Except every time that happens
I self-destruct
I lie I hate I blame
Hurt everyone I love
Like what's wrong with me God
Am I allergic to love
Your love

Grande Pausa

Please help me to receive it
Like medicine for this low-grade fever
'Cause I'm so tired
Of feeling sick and tired
Out of control like a soul
That would never be treated
But I heard you love
Healing broken things
If I step back
And surrender all the pieces
And you promised to give me
Something whole in return

Grande Pausa

If all I had to give
Was a few mustard seeds and
A little bit of faith
A little bit of hope
A little bit of trust to have
To believe that's enough
A little bit of faith
A little bit of hope
A little bit of trust to have
To believe that's enough
For You to start
Also for You to finish

Grande Pausa

And I'll get out of the way
While You handle Your business
I'll lose control
While You handle my senses
Give You all
And You take away my defenses
So God I'm running
Back to the start
I won't run anymore
You won my heart


Up from the ashes
God You are making
Something beautiful
For You have won my heart
No longer ruined
I have been ransomed
By Your jealous love
For You have won my heart


For You have won my heart


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