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Here In Your Presence Por Life Worship

Here In Your Presence

Life Worship - Your Name

V1Verse 1
V2Verse 2
C1Chorus 1
V3Verse 3
V4Verse 4
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
Gravação Original

Informações da Música

Jesus Presence
Male Lead
Aaron Baxter, Sem Schaap, Stefan Green
Integrity Music


Verse 1

When the night
Lasts longer than the day
When my tears
Fall down like heavy rain

Verse 2

I hide myself
In the shelter of Your presence
Here with You
I have all I need

Chorus 1

Here in Your presence
Everything changes
Nothing compares
To all that You are Jesus

Verse 3

Should my heart
Grow tired in the battle
Should the road
Be longer than I thought

Verse 4

In Your shadow
I find life beyond all measure
I cling to You with all I am

Chorus 1

Here in Your presence
Everything changes
Nothing compares
To all that You are Jesus

Chorus 2

Here in Your presence
I’m never forsaken
Through seasons unknown
I’m never alone Jesus

Bridge 1

There’s nothing like Your presence
It makes the darkness flee
And changes everything
I know You are here with me

Bridge 2

There’s nothing like Your presence
It sets the captives free
And holds my victory
I know You’re surrounding me

Bridge 1

There’s nothing like Your presence
It makes the darkness flee
And changes everything
I know You are here with me

Bridge 2

There’s nothing like Your presence
It sets the captives free
And holds my victory
I know You’re surrounding me

Chorus 1

Here in Your presence
Everything changes
Nothing compares
To all that You are Jesus

Chorus 2

Here in Your presence
I’m never forsaken
Through seasons unknown
I’m never alone Jesus

Chorus 1

Here in Your presence
Everything changes
Nothing compares
To all that You are Jesus

Chorus 2

Here in Your presence
I’m never forsaken
Through seasons unknown
I’m never alone Jesus


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O que está incluído:
  • Download M4A
  • Criado a partir da Gravação Original do Artista
  • Com e sem backing vocals
  • Três tonalidades incluídas
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