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Fire of a Thousand Years Por Liberty Worship Collective

Fire of a Thousand Years

Liberty Worship Collective - Fire of a Thousand Years

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
V3Verso 3
V4Verso 4
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

Oh Lord my God I'm reaching out
To feel the holy fire somehow
I've fallen and it's darker now
I need Your light to fill me
I've heard of grace that wakens souls
A holy light that warms the cold
A flame still burning now from old
Lord would You burn within me


This fire of a thousand years
This Christ who is ever near
O wake the morning sun to see
That the Savior evermore will be
Jesus Son of Majesty

Verso 2

What history is more than Yours
The story made of miracles
A mystery yet fully known
That You lived to love the lowly
You came to Earth a humble man
Eternal One now here within
And in Your heart the greater plan
Your will to serve the Father's


This fire of a thousand years
This Christ who is ever near
O wake the morning sun to see
That the Savior evermore will be
Jesus Son of Majesty

Verso 3

You lived a life of hiddenness
Your ministry a world to bless
We scorned Your gift
You took our debt
And You paid it ever willingly
Upon the hill of Calvary
You changed the course of history
The veil was torn the sinner freed
And Your Spirit now alive in me


This fire of a thousand years
This Christ who is ever near
O wake the morning sun to see
That the Savior evermore will be
Jesus Son of Majesty
This fire of a thousand years
This Christ who is ever near
O wake the morning sun to see
That the Savior evermore will be
Jesus Son of Majesty

Verso 4

You gave us life by dying here
You rose and now Your Kingdom's here
You'll rescue those You hold so dear
By the promise You will finish
And as You sit enthroned on high
You hold the world within Your sight
You see how it will come to life
Where the end is the beginning
When the saints and angels praise the King
Where the flame is neverending
Still the fire of a thousand years


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