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Tethered Por Jason Gray


Jason Gray - Reorder

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
PrPré Refrão
V3Verso 3
V4Verso 4
PrPré Refrão
P1Ponte 1
P2Ponte 2
V5Verso 5
PrPré Refrão
PrPré Refrão
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

I was slipping away
Thought I wasn't just
Losing but maybe never had faith
All of the feelings
I felt before they must've been fake
And I just can't fake it anymore

Verso 2

I was lost in the dark
Feeling my way around it
With a blindfolded heart
Even if You were real
Maybe I'd gone too far
Too broken to be restored

Pré Refrão

Where can I go from Your presence
Where can I go


I'm tethered to Your love
Though I've tried a thousand times
I just can't break free of
Your grace that finds me
And reminds me
Wherever I run
Every road will lead me home
'Cause I'm tethered to Your love

Verso 3

I tried building a wall
Every failure was a stone
And I stacked them up tall
'Til I was so alone
And all hope was gone
It was gone like
It was never there

Verso 4

I didn't cry for help 'cause
I didn't like myself
Enough to open the door
To my own prison cell
But You were breaking through
Even when I doubted
You would even care

Pré Refrão

Where can I go from Your presence
Where can I go


I'm tethered to Your love
Though I've tried a thousand times
I just can't break free of
Your grace that finds me
And reminds me
Wherever I run
Every road will lead me home
'Cause I'm tethered to Your love

Ponte 1

I felt at home in the depths
I settled in and made my bed
So sure that there was no hope left
And in the darkness I could hide

Ponte 2

Started thinking that
You just weren't true
But still held up my fists at You
Like I was looking for a fight

Verso 5

But You didn't run
And I just couldn't see
That I wasn't alone
What was darkness
To me was like the noon day sun
The noon day sun to You

Pré Refrão

Where can I go from Your presence
Where can I go


I'm tethered to Your love
Though I've tried a thousand times
I just can't break free of
Your grace that finds me
And reminds me
Wherever I run
Every road will lead me home
'Cause I'm tethered to Your love


Oh I'm tethered to Your love

Pré Refrão

Where can I go from Your presence
Where can I go


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