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Mercy / Tremble Medley Por Housefires

Mercy / Tremble Medley

Housefires - How To Start A Housefire (Pt. 2)

V1Verso 1
R1Refrão 1
V2Verso 2
R1Refrão 1
P1Ponte 1
P1Ponte 1
R1Refrão 1
R2Refrão 2
P2Ponte 2
P2Ponte 2
R2Refrão 2
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

I’m living proof
Of what the mercy of God cando
If You knew me then
You’d believe me now
He turned my whole life upside down
He took the old and
He made it new
That’s just what the mercy
Of God can do

Refrão 1

Now I’m alive to tell the story
How I’ve overcome
It’s His goodness and mercy
And the power of His blood
I’m so glad that my freedom
Wasn’t based on what I’ve done
But His goodness and mercy
And the power of the blood

Verso 2

Thought I deserved
To be six feet beneath the Earth
For all the things I’ve done
All the things I’ve said
The choices made that I regret
I would still be lost
But for the mercy of God

Refrão 1

Now I’m alive to tell the story
How I’ve overcome
It’s His goodness and mercy
And the power of His blood
I’m so glad that my freedom
Wasn’t based on what I’ve done
But His goodness and mercy
And the power of the blood

Ponte 1

Was the cross meant for me
That my Savior carried
Now I’ve been made free
By the mercy of God
Was the grave meant for me
Where my sin lay buried
Now I stand redeemed
By the mercy of God

Refrão 1

Now I’m alive to tell the story
How I’ve overcome
It’s His goodness and mercy
And the power of His blood
I’m so glad that my freedom
Wasn’t based on what I’ve done
But His goodness and mercy
And the power of the blood


It’s His goodness and mercy
And the power of the blood

Refrão 2

Jesus Jesus
You make the darkness tremble
Jesus Jesus
You silence fear
Jesus Jesus
You make the darkness tremble
Jesus Jesus
You silence fear

Ponte 2

Your Name is a light
That the shadows can't deny
Your Name cannot be overcome
Your Name is alive
Forever lifted high
Your Name cannot be overcome

Ponte 2

Your Name is a light
That the shadows can't deny
Your Name cannot
Be overcome
Your Name is alive
Forever lifted high
Your Name cannot
Be overcome

Refrão 2

Jesus Jesus
You make the darkness tremble
Jesus Jesus
You silence fear
Jesus Jesus
You make the darkness tremble
Jesus Jesus


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