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Your Word Por Hillsong Worship

Your Word

Hillsong Worship - Let There Be Light

V1Verso 1
PrPré Refrão
V2Verso 2
PrPré Refrão
Gravação Original

Nos unimos a influentes músicos de adoração como Nigel Hendroff & Peter James da Hillsong, Brian Carl do Passion, Kevin Neil Smith do Elevation Worship, Isaac Gonzalez do Jesus Culture e David Wellman da Life Church, oferencendo acesso à caixa de ferramentas de cada um deles para que você descubra e crie seu próprio som.

Mais de Peter James



We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This product requires an authorized copy of MainStage. If any additional plugins are required, you'll find them listed in the product page description.
  2. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. Resampling or resale of the product is strictly forbidden.


Ableton Live

We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This patch requires an authorized and working copy of Ableton Live. Please note the minimum software version needed to run this patch in the “Minimum Software Version” section. If any additional plugins are needed they’re listed in the “Required Plugins” section.
  2. Keep in mind-other plugins or effects may have been used on the original recording. The Patch producer has done their best to replicate any external devices used on the recording. Also effect levels can change a song drastically. Try adjusting the amount/levels of effects or other settings in Kontakt and you may find the sound you’re looking for.
  3. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. You cannot resale this patch in any form. You cannot resample this patch in any form/format.
  4. Turn knobs, change settings, combine sounds and Have fun!
Ableton Patch Cover

Este patch foi usado em 11 Músicas

Bass 101

SUB37 - Peter James



  1. This patch requires an authorized copy and working copy of Omnisphere. These patches will only work in Omnisphere-no other plugin can run them. Please note the minimum software version needed to run this patch in the “Minimum Software Version” section. If any additional plugins are needed they’re listed in the “Required Plugins” section.
  2. Keep in mind-other plugins or effects may have been used on the original recording. The Patch producer has done their best to replicate any external devices used on the recording. Also effect levels can change a song drastically. Try adjusting the amount/levels of effects or other settings in Omnisphere and you may find the sound you’re looking for.
  3. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. You cannot resale this patch in any form. You cannot resample this patch in any form/format.
  4. Turn knobs, change settings, combine sounds and Have fun!
Omnisphere Patch Cover
Omnisphere Patch Cover
Omnisphere Patch Cover



We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This patch requires an authorized and working copy of Reason. Please note the minimum software version needed to run this patch in the “Minimum Software Version” section. If any additional plugins are needed they’re listed in the “Required Plugins” section.
  2. Keep in mind-other plugins or effects may have been used on the original recording. The Patch producer has done their best to replicate any external devices used on the recording. Also effect levels can change a song drastically. Try adjusting the amount/levels of effects or other settings in Kontakt and you may find the sound you’re looking for.
  3. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. You cannot resale this patch in any form. You cannot resample this patch in any form/format.
  4. Turn knobs, change settings, combine sounds and Have fun!



  1. This patch requires a Sequential OB-6 synthesizer. These patches will only work in OB-6 - no other hardware can run them. Please note the hardware needed to run this patch in the "Minimum Software Version" section. If any additional plugins are needed they're listed in the "Required Plugins" section.
  2. Keep in mind-other plugins or effects may have been used on the original recording. The Patch producer has done their best to replicate any external devices used on the recording. Also effect levels can change a song drastically. Try adjusting the amount/levels of effects or other settings in OB-6 and you may find the sound you're looking for.
  3. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. You cannot resale this patch in any form. You cannot resample this patch in any form/format.
  4. Turn knobs, change settings, combine sounds and Have fun!
OB-6 Patch Cover

Este patch foi usado em 13 Músicas


OB6 Presets - Peter James



We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This patch requires an authorized and working copy of Kontakt Full. This patch will not run in the free Kontakt Player. Please note the minimum software version needed to run this patch in the “Minimum Software Version” section. If any additional plugins are needed they’re listed in the “Required Plugins” section.
  2. Keep in mind-other plugins or effects may have been used on the original recording. The Patch producer has done their best to replicate any external devices used on the recording. Also effect levels can change a song drastically. Try adjusting the amount/levels of effects or other settings in Kontakt and you may find the sound you’re looking for.
  3. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. You cannot resale this patch in any form. You cannot resample this patch in any form/format.
  4. Turn knobs, change settings, combine sounds and Have fun!
Kontakt Patch Cover

Este patch foi usado em 11 Músicas

Bass 101

SUB37 - Peter James

MainStage, Logic, GarageBand

MainStage, Logic, GarageBand Patch Cover
MainStage, Logic, GarageBand Patch Cover
MainStage, Logic, GarageBand Patch Cover
MainStage, Logic, GarageBand Patch Cover
MainStage, Logic, GarageBand Patch Cover
MainStage, Logic, GarageBand Patch Cover
MainStage, Logic, GarageBand Patch Cover
MainStage, Logic, GarageBand Patch Cover
MainStage, Logic, GarageBand Patch Cover
MainStage, Logic, GarageBand Patch Cover

Este patch foi usado em 11 Músicas

Bass 101

SUB37 - Peter James


The SUB37 is a hardware synthesiser created by Moog Music Inc. Before purchasing these patches, please ensure you own a functioning Moog SUB37 as these presets aren't compatible with any other hardware.
SUB37 Patch Cover

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