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Amazing God Por Hillside Worship

Amazing God

Hillside Worship - Rise

V1Verse 1
V2Verse 2
PrPre Chorus 1
PrPre Chorus 2
C1Chorus 1
V3Verse 3
V4Verse 4
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
Gravação Original

Informações da Música

Faith Grace His Name Lamb of God Love Mercy Worship
Contemporary Duet Pop
Rob Attaway
Hillside Worship


Verse 1

High as the heights above
So great the Father’s love
For those who fear His name

Verse 2

From sunrise to sunset
As far as east to west
You have cast my sins away

Pre Chorus 1

Nothing can separate
So deep the Savior’s grace
It’s a hope that never fades

Pre Chorus 2

My heart is open wide
My hands are lifted high
To the name above all names

Chorus 1

Behold the Lamb
Your grace is ever enough
The Great I Am
Now and forever unchanging
How amazing is the name of Jesus

Verse 3

Your breath alive in me
As deep calls out to deep
Holy Spirit have Your way

Verse 4

My heart is open wide
My hands are lifted high
You are worthy of all praise

Chorus 1

Behold the Lamb
Your grace is ever enough
The Great I Am
Now and forever unchanging
How amazing is the name of Jesus

Chorus 2

When storms arise
Your mercy ever remains
I lift my eyes
My faith will never be shaken
How amazing is the name of Jesus

Bridge 1

Amazing is Your love
Amazing things You’ve done
And I believe the best is yet to come

Bridge 2

Amazing grace so sweet
That saved a wretch like me
I bow a knee to our amazing God

Bridge 1

Amazing is Your love
Amazing things You’ve done
And I believe the best is yet to come

Bridge 2

Amazing grace so sweet
That saved a wretch like me
I bow a knee to our amazing God

Chorus 1

Behold the Lamb
Your grace is ever enough
The Great I Am
Now and forever unchanging
How amazing is the name of Jesus

Chorus 2

When storms arise
Your mercy ever remains
I lift my eyes
My faith will never be shaken
How amazing is the name of Jesus

Bridge 1

Amazing is Your love
Amazing things You’ve done
And I believe the best is yet to come

Bridge 2

Amazing grace so sweet
That saved a wretch like me
I bow a knee to our amazing God


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O que está incluído:
  • Download M4A
  • Criado a partir da Gravação Original do Artista
  • Com e sem backing vocals
  • Três tonalidades incluídas
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