Mas quer ficar cheio de MultiTracks, CustomMix®, EnsaioMix e mais!
Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original. Saiba Mais
We believe in one GodThe Father the AlmightyMaker of heaven and earthOf all that is seen and unseenWe believe in one Lord Jesus ChristThe only Son of GodEternally begotten of the FatherGod from God Light from LightTrue God from true God
Begotten not madeOf one Being with the FatherThrough Him all things were madeFor us and for our salvationHe came down from heavenBy the power of the Holy SpiritHe became incarnate from the Virgin MaryAnd was made manFor our sake He was crucifiedUnder Pontius PilateHe suffered death and was buriedOn the third day he rose again
In accordance with the ScripturesHe ascended into heavenAnd is seatedAt the right hand of the FatherHe will come again in gloryTo judge the living and the deadAnd His kingdom will have no endWe believe in the Holy SpiritThe Lord the giver of lifeWho proceeds from the FatherWith the Father and the SonHe is worshipped and glorifiedHe has spoken through the Prophets
We believe in one holyCatholic and apostolic ChurchWe acknowledge one baptismFor the forgiveness of sinsWe look for the resurrection of the deadAnd the life of the world to come amen
Alleluia what a SaviorAlleluiaAlleluia what a SaviorAlleluia
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