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Chaos Por Ghost Ship


Ghost Ship - To The End

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
PrPré Refrão
R1Refrão 1
R2Refrão 2
V3Verso 3
V4Verso 4
PrPré Refrão
R1Refrão 1
R2Refrão 2
R2Refrão 2
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

Chaos is raining this land of decay
It's all falling apart
I'm breaking I'm fading
It pulls at the seams
The cracks run so deep
Am I too far gone
Too damaged and lost

Verso 2

And those who I love
Are all washing away
They're dispersing they're fighting
Gone disunited
The discord confusion
Detachment the distance
They all walk away
They keep washing away

Pré Refrão

But You
Only You
Make things new

Refrão 1

I know that these mountains will fall
Into the sea
I know one day my age
Will finally catch up to me

Refrão 2

But I can hear You working in ways
That I can't see
You will bring us back to what we
Were meant to be

Verso 3

Only one thing moves against this decline
This unstoppable march
Relentless demise
There is One thing that heals
Restores and rebuilds
That gathers the pieces
Regenerates fixes

Verso 4

You and Your plan of redemption Your love
It is arching against
The fall of the earth
And no one but You
Can pick up these pieces
And no one but You
Can put them together

Pré Refrão

But You
Only You
Make things new

Refrão 1

I know that these mountains will fall
Into the sea
I know one day my age
Will finally catch up to me

Refrão 2

But I can hear You working in ways
That I can't see
You will bring us back to what we
Were meant to be


You will bring us back to what we
Were meant to be


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