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Don't Forget the Star Por Sidewalk Prophets

Don't Forget the Star

Sidewalk Prophets - Merry Christmas To You (Great Big Family Edition)

V1Verso 1
PrPré Refrão
V2Verso 2
V3Verso 3
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

Little boy 6 years old
Sitting on his grandpa’s knee
Little did he know it way back then
But he was making
Christmas memories
Grandpa asked that little boy
What does Christmas
Really mean to you
And the boy talked of snow and stockings
And toys
All shiny and new

Pré Refrão

Grandpa laughed
And shook his head said
Let me tell you what it means to me
And he held that little boy close
As he pointed
To the top of the Christmas tree
He said


Don’t forget the star this Christmas
Don’t forget the greatest gift of all
The One who came
To shine away the dark
Bringing hope for every heart
This Christmas
Don’t forget the star

Verso 2

Little boys grow up too fast
And those memories
They sure do fade
And that Christmas Eve with Grandpa
Seems about
A million miles away
These days the bills are piling up
And the world is weighing down
He’s got a little girl of his own
And he knows grown men don’t cry
But as that girl looks in his eyes
He remembers his grandpa’s song


Don’t forget the star this Christmas
Don’t forget the greatest gift of all
The One who came
To shine away the dark
Bringing hope for every heart
This Christmas
Don’t forget the star

Verso 3

It was shining bright
In the eastern sky
Above a manger
2,000 years ago
And it fills my heart with joy
To realize that star is still guiding
Lost souls home
And I think about Grandpa
As I raise my daughter high
And she hangs a star upon the tree
And a tear comes to my eye
As I think about the way that
Jesus was born for you and me


Don’t forget the star this Christmas
Don’t forget the greatest gift of all
The One who came
To shine away the dark
Bringing hope for every heart


Don’t forget the star this Christmas
Don’t forget the greatest gift of all
The One who came
To shine away the dark
Bringing hope for every heart
This Christmas
Don’t forget the star


Little boy 6 years old
Sitting on his grandpa’s knee


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