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Where I Could've Been Por Rhett Walker

Where I Could've Been

Rhett Walker - Where I Could've Been

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
V3Verso 3
Gravação Original

Áudios criados da Master de Gravação Original. Disponíveis em {0} tons com uma mixagem Aumentada e Diminuída para cada canal, além da música original.
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Verso 1

I was a small town joke
Without hope
Just trying to find my way
I was the fool that lived
With the consequence
Of all of my mistakes
I was a guilty man
In my Sunday best
Sweatin’ in all my shame
If the road I was on
Hadn’t led headlong
Into amazing grace


I would’ve been a lost cause
Would’ve been written off
But there’s a hope
That don’t give in
I should’ve been a long gone
Nowhere to call home
But there's a peace
That never ends
When I couldn't see
He rescued me
Oh aint it just like Jesus
To love me where I am
And not just leave me
Where I could've been

Verso 2

I’d still be wakin up
Down on my luck
Sleeping in the bed I’d made
I was as bad as the worst
My name was a curse
Just wastin my whole life away
And then one day
I got outta my way
Gave the good Lord above my life
If it wasnt for that rugged cross
And the mercy of Jesus Christ


I would’ve been a lost cause
Would’ve been written off
But there’s a hope
That don’t give in
I should’ve been a long gone
Nowhere to call home
But there's a peace
That never ends
When I couldn't see
He rescued me
Oh aint it just like Jesus
To love me where I am
And not just leave me
Where I could've been

Verso 3

When I’m looking back
On my crazy past
Only thing I’ve got figured out
The trails I blazed
Mistakes I made
Doesn’t change what He’s doing right now


I would’ve been a lost cause
Would’ve been written off
But there’s a hope
That don’t give in
I should’ve been a long gone
Nowhere to call home
But there's a peace
That never ends
When I couldn't see
He rescued me
Oh aint it just like Jesus
To love me where I am
And not just leave me
Where I could've been


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